On An Open Fire : Roasting, Barbecuing, Cooking
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On An Open Fire : Roasting, Barbecuing, Cooking


649kr / st.
Why make a mess in your indoor kitchen when you can build your own fire pit and eat like a cowboy in the open air? There is something about roasting suckling pig on a spit, duck on a rope, or just chestnuts over a handmade fire pit that makes eating with friends and family even more special. Here are a dozen different cooking methods and nearly a hundred recipes. Learn how to cook beef, pork, and lamb, as well as vegetables, seafood, and eggs, in traditional European and American Southwestern styles, above and sometimes directly in the embers. When you take your family camping, brew your own coffee in the morning and make Brandy Punch at night. The book includes a list of equipment, including different types of firewood, and detailed instructions. Whether you're a veteran outdoor cook or a novice hungry for adventure, you'll fall in love with these rewarding methods.
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