This book is compiled from the holistic and esoteric teaching that the spiritual teacher Ambres conveyed between 1977 and 2019. Ambres is a loving and compassionate intelligence that used trance medium Sture Johansson to communicate his teaching.
In the beginning, he focused on cosmos and humankind's development. During the nineties, the focus shifted towards self-awareness and methods for understanding how our personalities have been created through the conditioning and frictions of life. The purpose of Ambres' communication is to elevate humankind to a new level of consciousness, to a new insight.
Ambres held workshops and courses regularly in Sweden where Sture lived. The subjects included: The nature of dreaming, Chakraflow therapy, Inner Vision - tools for dialogue and the Esoteric foundations. Sture also traveled to Norway, USA and Spain where Ambres would give teachings and workshops.
From the back cover:
The book you're holding can't be read like a novel. Sit down and read a passage. Ponder on it and on how it relates to you and your life.
Don't rush. If you do, you might miss what you're looking for. Settle in your chair and read one paragraph at a time; you might be surprised at how everything seems so familiar. Things you understood – that you knew, but couldn't articulate.
“You yourselves have asked me to come without knowing it. But I'm not here to teach you anything. I’m here to awaken you to insight on the knowledge you already possess."
"If anyone says that this is the only true path, do not believe them. There are many paths to the Truth. Also examine what I pass on. Rather than regard what I say as a given, probe it, feel it, question it."
From the table of contents:
The purpose of my communication
There are many paths to the truth
Fear is the mother of violence
Combine esoteric teachings with life
Everyone is of equal worth
There is no mystery – only ignorance
Live each day as if it were your last
The human dream
Humans are not created at birth
Life is one continuous dream – a life-dream
The Pathfinder creates the dreams, shows us the way
The unbounded human is totally fearless
Balance or imbalance between the male and female?
Humankind is its own witness
How can the hidden knowledge make itself heard?
Dream is the highest form of wakefulness
The Pathfinder drives the cleansing process
Why and how – two very useful words
You gain understanding and can feel love
Dreams talk to us in symbols
The shadow in the dream becomes your ally
Clarity in all traumas – the old Sage
Only the dreamer knows when the interpretation is correct
Do not ask the question outside yourself
... and more
ArbetstitelMeeting with Ambres
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Publiceringsdatum2024-05-24 00:00:00
FörfattareSture Johansson
Kort BeskrivningThe esoteric knowledge about man and the whole has been and is being conveyed in diverse ways so that it can reach as many people as possible in the new era. But the source from which the various rivers, streams and rivulets come is one and the same. This book is compiled from the holistic and esoteric teaching that the compassionate intelligence called Ambres conveyed.