Free From Hepatitis C : Your Complete Guide to Healing Hepatitis C
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Free From Hepatitis C : Your Complete Guide to Healing Hepatitis C


299kr / st.
For decades, having hepatitis C virus (HCV) was the equivalent of serving a life sentence - with a dangerous liver disease. All of that changed with the discovery that the virus could be defeated with a new treatment. To shed light on this groundbreaking therapy, Lucinda Porter, a registered nurse, a passionate HCV advocate and a hep C patient herself, has written a comprehensive guide for people who are undergoing or considering this new hep C treatment. Ms. Porter begins by explaining what hepatitis C is. She then looks at both the mainstream and the alternative management techniques currently used to keep the virus in check. From there, she examines hep C's new therapy and what you can expect from it. The author demystifies test results, provides important questions you can ask your docotrs and offers advice - all with the compassion of someone who has gone through the process herself.
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