PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT THE BASICS is an illustrated guidebook that will teach you how to open to your intuition and open up psychically. The book takes the reader on a visual journey into the world of psychic and energy work. It covers everything that a beginner needs to know to access their own psychic skills and guides the reader step-by-step through a number of exercises. Beginning with a simple understanding of how energy works, the book teaches you the core elements of safe psychic development. You will discover techniques that show you how to open up psychically, how to put on psychic protection, how to ground yourself, how to create sacred space, how to clear your energy and how to close down. The Opening2Intuition series is a visual process of learning that allows the reader to see how energy works. The aim is to make intuitive work available to everyone and to teach in ways that target everyone's individual learning capabilities. Energy work is not easy to understand. Some people do not necessarily see the energies at work in the world, energies that psychic and intuitive people access. This is why Opening2Intuition books are visual, showing how energy works, how various psychic development exercises work and what actually happens with energy when one opens up intuitively. With this series of books, you can work at your own pace, learning through each of the chapters, building your skills. It starts with the basics and develops your knowledge the further you go through the books. There is also an accompanying audio-CD designed around the exercises offered in the book. The CD has been co-created with musician, healer and psychic Karen Grace; it uses specific sound vibrations to open and expand your intuition in new ways. · Provides a new approach to teaching psychic development and has been created as a visual guide to help the reader understand the subject of energy and intuition. · Most psychic development books focus heavily on words and leave the reader to interpret their own idea of what energy work is. This book minimises words usage and instead focuses on images to show readers directly how things work in a way that is simple and concise. · Everything is broken down into specialised chapters that allow the reader to learn in a linear fashion. · Individual subjects can be revisited easily. · The is an accompanying audio CD, Opening2Intuition Starter Audio-CD (9781844097050), that can be used in conjunction with the book to help learning and give a more interactive approach.
ArbetstitelPsychic development the basics - an easy to use step-by-step illustrated gu
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Publiceringsdatum2016-09-13 00:00:00
FörfattareLucy Byatt
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