· Provides spiritual practices to manifest a meaningful connection between Self and God/Source/Creator and psychological exercises to heal the shadow self · Offers an in-depth overview of religion and spirituality, both the old paradigm and the evolving new one · Includes the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples' oral wisdom teachings on the 7 Dark, 7 Light and 7 Rainbow Arrows for evolving consciousness We are living in an unprecedented time of change, a new epoch with a new consciousness. We have reached Zero Point in our personal and collective consciousness and are now in a phase of accelerated conscious evolution and manifestation of personal and collective vision. As the current political, economic and social systems begin to collapse, people are instinctively and intuitively reevaluating their lives and asking what has real meaning and value and what brings them true peace and happiness. Humanity is now poised to establish a unified, co-creative new world that reflects the evolved consciousness of awakened hearts and minds, of collaboration and of peace. Presenting a guide for these auspicious times, Nicolya Christi offers psychological and spiritual tools to accelerate conscious and global evolution and initiate a New Consciousness for the post-December 21st, 2012 epoch. She gives an in-depth overview of religion and spirituality, both the old paradigm and the evolving new one and explains how all trauma results from “empathic disconnection,” which hinders our spiritual growth. She provides spiritual practices to manifest a meaningful connection between Self and God/Source/Creator as well as psychological exercises to heal and integrate the shadow self and dissolve psychological wounds. She offers the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples' oral wisdom teachings on the 7 Dark,7 Light and 7 Rainbow Arrows for evolving consciousness. She, also, writes in depth about the evolution of relationship and aspiring to a higher love and sexuality. Detailing several maps and models for conscious and global evolution, this handbook inspires each of us toward a consciously evolving spirituality and a true and authentic relationship with God/Source/Creator.
ArbetstitelContemporary Spirituality For An Evolving World : A Handbook for Conscious Evolution
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Publiceringsdatum2013-10-02 00:00:00
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